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.container { width:100% !important }
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from collections import deque
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def search(start, goal, next_states):
Frontier = deque([start])
Visited = set()
Parent = { start: start }
while len(Frontier) > 0:
state = Frontier.popleft()
if state == goal:
return path_to(state, Parent)
newStates = next_states(state)
for ns in newStates:
if ns not in Visited and ns not in Parent:
Parent[ns] = state
Given a state
and a parent dictionary Parent
, the function path_to
returns a path leading to the given state
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def path_to(state, Parent):
p = Parent[state]
if p == state:
return [state]
return path_to(p, Parent) + [state]
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%run Sliding-Puzzle.ipynb
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Path = search(start, goal, next_states)
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